
doubletwist doubletwist at
Tue Oct 26 13:39:47 UTC 2004

Marty Stoetzle wrote:
> Please,
> Is Ubuntu compatable with a Lucent Win Modem?  I was running PCLinuxOS 
> 2k4 with an old Rockwell chip modem I got from the junkyard and I let a 
> electrical storm fry me.  I'm in a small remote town and I bought an old 
> Dell Optiplex GX 100 with windows on it and I don't have a Windows CD.  
> I don't have Ubuntu yet but it's coming.  I'm a retired carpenter, not a 
> geek and I hate Windows but I LOVE Linux. I'm a Humanist. I love the 
> Linux phlisophy as well as the distros. Thank you in advance,
> Marty Stoetzle, Montrose, Missouri, USA  martys at 
> <mailto:martys at>

Yes, but in order to get it to work, I had to download the ltmodem 
source from, and install gcc, make etc. I had 
to also install the full kernel source, and configure it. [Or compile a 
custom kernel]. Then and only then did the ltmodem compile work for me.

Good luck . :)


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