Can't dial-up :(

Neil Woolford neil at
Tue Oct 26 08:55:25 UTC 2004

At 04:59 26/10/04, you wrote:

>I configured a dial-up connection and had to install wvdial, which
>appeared to install fine.

If the wvdial package wasn't already installed, you are on a rather old 
pre-release version
of Warty.  It could be worth updating anyway.

>First question (dumb): How to do I invoke a connection?

Computer/SystemConfig/Networking has an "Activate" button.  Select the
dialup connection and press it.  (You can also set a dial on startup option 
in the
preferences, best if you are paying a monthly flat rate!)

>Second: When I invoke wvdial from the command line I get:
>warning: section [Dialer Defaults] does not exist in wvdial.conf

This is because the .../Networking tool doesn't write one 
automatically.  It puts your dialup
account data in a section with a name;  it will start with 
'ppp0'.  Invoking 'wvdial ppp0' will make
it use this data.  (This means you can have multiple dialup configurations 
stored in the one
/etc/wvdial.conf file.)

>Cannot open /dev/modem: No such file or directory

It isn't there by default...  Before doing anything about that it might be 
worth going back to
.../Networking and looking at the properties for your dial-up;  on the 
'General' tab there is a
button to autodetect your modem.  Try it and see what it sets...

>Sadly, I can't dial-up yet. Any help would be appreciated.

Autodetecting the modem is a key step.  If that fails, you may well have a 
controllerless modem
which means the fun is really about to start.  I've just got one working on 
my desktop, but it was tricky.

The first step I'd take if autodetection fails is to get and run the 
'scanModem' script from, which will try very hard to detect 
anything that could be a modem and
give you information about how to configure it and your system.

If the answer includes a reference to Intel 536ep, do get in touch with me, 
as that is the type I've just got
working - I can save you hours :)


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