IBM x40 suspend/resume

christophe barbe christophe at
Sun Oct 24 20:21:40 UTC 2004

On Sun, Oct 24, 2004 at 02:00:47PM -0400, christophe barbe wrote:
> > use to manage power. Thinkpads may generate an intense series of beeps,
> > those which are  not normal and indicate an error. 
> I think the beep I get is similar to the one I get when I enable the
> resume beep in the BIOS. But I will try again to compare them.

I did some test and when I enable in the bios the beep for power events
(including suspend and resume), I get two nearly-simultaneous beeps
during the resume. The two beeps seem similar to me. 
I don't know what trigger this extra beep.


Christophe Barbé <christophe.barbe at>
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