Strange mouse action in Gnome/Ubuntu - Fixed

Doubletwist doubletwist at
Tue Oct 19 23:12:02 UTC 2004

Doubletwist wrote:
> Whever I click on anything, whether it be to open an application from 
> the menu, or even clicking menu items in an application [such as 
> Thunderbird], about 60% of the time, the application or item is opened 
> twice, as if I clicked it twice. If I click and hold for half a second, 
> it acts normally and opens once. But when I click like I normally do, 
> which is fairly quickly, it opens twice [not always, but most of the 
> time]. I know I'm not double-clicking, and I"ve even tried adjusting the 
> double-click rate in the Mouse prefs. To no avail, the problem remains.
> I don't know if this is a Gnome issue or an Ubuntu issue. I have always 
> used KDE in the past [usually on Debian or slackware] and never had this 
> problem before on this system with this mouse, nor does it happen in 
> windows.

Ok, so I created a custom XF86Config-4 using xf86config [working on
another issue]. and when I started using the custom config, the system
no longer opens apps twice. I have figured out the offending sections...
The original XF86Config-4 has two "InputDevice" sections. One for 
"Configured Mouse" [pointing to /dev/input/mice] and one for "Generic 
Mouse" [pointing to /dev/psaux], as well as two entries at the end in 
"Server Layout", one for each mouse entry. This is what is causing the 
double entries. It doesn't happen in my custom config because I only 
have one mouse entry. When I put the extra entry in my custom config, 
the problem reappears, so I'm 99.9% sure that's the issue :)
Now, I KNOW there is a way to have X deal with multiple mice when one 
[or more] of the mice are not always present. I had it set up like that 
on my laptop, so I know it is possible and that it does NOT cause this 
issue. Unfortunately, my laptop is currently deceased so I can't look 
and see how I did it.

Original: [Has issue]
Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
         Driver          "mouse"
         Option          "CorePointer"
         Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"
         Option          "Protocol"              "ImPS/2"
         Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"
         Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"

Section "InputDevice"
         Identifier      "Generic Mouse"
         Driver          "mouse"
         Option          "SendCoreEvents"        "true"
         Option          "Device"                "/dev/psaux"
         Option          "Protocol"              "ImPS/2"
         Option          "Emulate3Buttons"       "true"
         Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"

Section "ServerLayout"
         Identifier      "Default Layout"
         Screen          "Default Screen"
         InputDevice     "Generic Keyboard"
         InputDevice     "Configured Mouse"
         InputDevice     "Generic Mouse"

Custom: [Works perfectly]

Section "InputDevice"

# Identifier and driver

     Identifier  "Mouse1"
     Driver      "mouse"
     Option "CorePointer"
     Option "Protocol"    "IMPS/2"
     Option "Device"      "/dev/input/mice"
     Option "Buttons" "5"
     Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"


Section "ServerLayout"
	Identifier  "Simple Layout"
	Screen "Screen 1"
	InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
	InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"


If I find out for sure what method I used, I will post it to the list 
[and I guess I should post a bug.. ;) ]


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