Strange mouse action in Gnome/Ubuntu

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue Oct 19 22:40:53 UTC 2004

On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 05:04:28PM -0500, Doubletwist wrote:

> Whever I click on anything, whether it be to open an application from 
> the menu, or even clicking menu items in an application [such as 
> Thunderbird], about 60% of the time, the application or item is opened 
> twice, as if I clicked it twice. If I click and hold for half a second, 
> it acts normally and opens once. But when I click like I normally do, 
> which is fairly quickly, it opens twice [not always, but most of the 
> time]. I know I'm not double-clicking, and I"ve even tried adjusting the 
> double-click rate in the Mouse prefs. To no avail, the problem remains.
> I don't know if this is a Gnome issue or an Ubuntu issue. I have always 
> used KDE in the past [usually on Debian or slackware] and never had this 
> problem before on this system with this mouse, nor does it happen in 
> windows.
> Any help, or pointers to help would be greatly appreciated.>

 - mdz

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