Suggestions on packages to add to Ubuntu "main"

Thom May thom at
Sun Oct 10 23:57:59 UTC 2004

* Tim Hull (thully at wrote :
> First of all, include all kernel variants (386,686,k7 etc).  I think 
> only 386 was on the CD.  Also, include all source/headers and basic 
> compiler tools so that we can compile drivers from other sources without 
> downloading anything (as sometimes the drivers in question are 
> networking-related drivers, and it's quite hard to download a compiler 
> to compile your network drivers (for example, if you don't have a wired 
> LAN connection and want to install extra wi-fi drivers or winmodem 
> drivers).  Also, include some winmodem drivers in "restricted" if at all 
> possible.  In addition to this, I'd also like to see at least a base KDE 
> install, and possibly some form of emacs, in main.  There seems to be 
> plenty of space on 1 CD for this, as the current ISO is around 500MB.
emacs21 is on the cd, as is build-essential and all its dependents (gcc
etc), as is linux-headers (should be all you need for drivers). No way are
we doing kde as part of standard Ubuntu, since this is a gnome based distro.
Including all kernel variants is a truely slippery slope, and would end up
taking far more room than we have to spare.

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