warty-i386-new-parted.iso install

Mariano Loza marsopia2002 at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Oct 6 13:04:52 UTC 2004

My first Ubuntu installation changed my CHS from H=255
to H=16. As far as I know, this is caused by kernel's
2.6 parted. Tried to fix it with a worarround
recommended by Fedoras support but I couldnt, so I
made a ·fdisk /mbr. I recovered my H=255 geometry this

I tried now installing Ubuntu with
warty-i386-new-parted.iso  to correct the problem, but
the same happened, even when used previous partitions
for installation. I just formatted them. Maybe when 
Grub is isntalled chenges CHS geometry. 

Sarge installation gives you the cahnce to make all
installation process with a 2.4 kernel which has not
this problem with parted, so I think it would be good
to give this chance to those we have more than one OS,
and Win partitions.

I installed ths image with some work, it wasnt so
smooth than others (I could not boot from the Cd, and
had to make a work arround booting from a SArge
instllation CD).


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