
David VanHoose david.vanhoose at
Tue Oct 5 20:09:36 UTC 2004

Greetings.  New user of Ubuntu, beginning to intermediate user of
Linux.  I'm having difficulty seeing my Logitech webcam anywhere.  It
shows up fine as a USB device in the device manager.  However, it
doesn't show up as /dev/video0 and I'm clear how to properly
configure.  I also have an ATI TV card that may be causing a conflict,
but that's lower on the priority list for me to get working.  I've
perused some Debian webcam help files and it looks like I need module
usb-ohci or usb-uhci which I can't find anywhere and doesn't appear to
be included in Ubuntu.  Am I missing something?  I'm open to any
ideas.  Thanks in advance.  Great distribution, by the way!


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