more package and option ( request) att developer team

Jim Cheetham jim at
Tue Oct 5 22:54:49 UTC 2004

Junior Gagné wrote:
> hello i have install 2 week ago ubuntu  on my mac 
> man that baby is powerful .
> my only consern is that the lack of more package ( i know that you are
> on the beta )
> and there will be more  package soon .
> but if i can have a few request 
> Latex. 
> sodopodi.
> inkscape 
> mac on linux  ( this one is very useful for the adobe product )

You need to enable the 'universe' package source :-) It's not included 
by default, because these are packages taken from Debian that are not 
yrt completely integrated with ubuntu, and are therefore unsupported. 
But 99% of them work fine!

Run Computer | System Configuration | Synaptic, select Settings | 
Repositories, and  tick/select the lines saying "main restricted 
universe" (and then untick/deselect the ones saying just "main 
restricted", but do not change the "security" lines)

Then select "Edit | Reload Package List", and you should find the 
programs you are missing.


> question do anybody know a package that can create ,open,reopen ,edit pdf .
> or at worst  one that can open pdf  convert it into its pressesing 
> version and then save it as pdf .
> this way i could really get  flush mac os x and  stay only on ubuntu 

The Gimp image processing program will be able to open a PDF, and treat 
it as a graphic file that can be changed, but I do not know of a program 
that will recover the original text ... what program do you use on OS X 
that does that?


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