PowerPC problems

Will Pitchforth dechetes at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 3 23:15:08 UTC 2004

Here is the header again:
audit initializedhda MDMA cycletime: 120, accesstime:
75, rectime: 45
hda set MDMA time for modee 2 reg 0x00211526
Starting Ubuntu...
pivot_root: No such file or directory
/sbin/init: 424 cannot open dev/console: No such file
Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!

I used the auto partitioner the first time, then i
tried the manual one - one bootstrap, one 480MB
swapspace (I have 640MB ram, but i dont want to waste
too much HD with swapspace as i only have 10 gig - is
this ok?) and the rest ext3 with the root(/) file
system. Is there anything i am missing? I dont want or
need Mac OS on as well.


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