Mailing lists

GR Gaudreau grgaud at
Sun Oct 3 15:12:02 UTC 2004

Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> i don't like the idea of dividing this list too, but must admit that the
> initial poster is right when it comes to the technical answers.
> there is synaptic in the tools but you will recognize that the more
> frequent answer to the question "how do i install blah ?" is sudo
> apt-get install blah or some aptitude hint. i think keeping away form
> the command line where possible should become a unwritten policy (i'm
> blaming myself here too and recognize how hard it is to not mention the
> commandline if youre used to it since ages).
> a ranking system for the quality and helpfulness of the answers would be
> fine from a QA point of view, but this is unfortunately impossible to
> implement in a mailing list ...

[GR]   You make a good point that techie answers can be difficult to 
parse, but if you wish to learn the command line and its powers -- and 
it's powerful! -- then you have to go to "the dark place" and practice, 
and you won't do that if you aren't challenged to learn; and techie talk 
is, to me, a challenge to learn.

Linux is about power, stability, power, usefulness, security, power -- 
did I mention power? :-) -- well you get the picture. The command line 
is one of the most, if not THE most powerful tools in Linux, and 
learning to use it means harnessing Linux's power -- ARGH ARGH!! I 
somEtimes have trouble with the techie talk, but I'm challenged by it 
and wish to learn. Just my two cents Canadian, eh?

GR Gaudreau <grgaud at>
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