Hoary (PPC): ramdisk load failed! initrd.img:no such file or directory, after daily update

Maximilian Gerlach m at px0.de
Tue Nov 30 05:57:11 UTC 2004

Sounds like your bootloader isn't as it should be.
Try the following: Repeat the steps until you mounted your linux
partition to mount, then execute these commands:
   mount -t proc none /mnt/proc
   chroot /mnt
   umount /mnt

Did that work?



> > So it is still going into open firmware, if I "reboot" at that prompt, 
> > Ubuntu starts initially but quickly ends with "kernel panic: VFS: 
> > Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"
(I had this error when I had a wrong /etc/yaboot.conf because I ran
yabootconfig instead of ybin, the first time. Did you ran yabootconfig

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