Hoary (PPC): ramdisk load failed! initrd.img:no such file or directory, after daily update

Steve Calvin stevacon at mac.com
Tue Nov 30 05:37:32 UTC 2004

> Hi Maximilian,
> Thanks for this help, but it did not work. I tried twice. The first 
> time no messages then the second time, after the "ln -s 
> /mnt/boot/initrd.img- /mnt/boot/initrd.img" 
> instruction, i got a "file exists" message.
> So it is still going into open firmware, if I "reboot" at that prompt, 
> Ubuntu starts initially but quickly ends with "kernel panic: VFS: 
> Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" if that helps. I just 
> got my CD's today so I could reinstall but it seems kind of drastic, 
> and I'd like to learn what's happening.
> Thanks again
> steve

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