Hoary (PPC): ramdisk load failed! initrd.img:no such file or directory, after daily update

Maximilian Gerlach m at px0.de
Mon Nov 29 21:58:04 UTC 2004

Hi Steve, got this problem on my powerbook too. 
I repaired it this way:
I booted into the warty install cd. There, I clicked enter until the
partitioning window appeared. There, I hesitated for not deleting all my
partitions :) I then clicked on ' Go Back' (or something like that)
which brought me to the main screen. Here's a point called 'Execute a
shell'. Select this one. Now, inside the ASH shell, type the follwing
   mkdir /mnt	
   mount /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part5 /mnt
(Linux is installed on /dev/hda5 on my powerbook. Change this if
   ln -s /mnt/boot/initrd.img- /mnt/boot/initrd.img
   umount /mnt
Now, you should be able to boot into hoary again. Hope it works and I
could help you.

Good evening,

Am Sonntag, den 28.11.2004, 20:05 -0800 schrieb Steve Calvin:
> > I don't know what was update last, but it was November 26th using 
> > synaptic. Now when I boot my iMac ramdisk load fails as above and goes 
> > into open firmware. Help with troubleshooting appreciated.
> >
> > steve
> >

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