Hoary (PPC): ramdisk load failed! initrd.img:no such file or directory, after daily update

Steve Calvin stevacon at mac.com
Tue Nov 30 07:10:21 UTC 2004

Hi Maxi,

Thanks for all this help but still same problem.

Here's what I did:

1.  Booted into the warty install cd.

2.  Ran ASH

3.  mkdir /mnt	

4.  mount /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part5 /mnt

5.  mount -t proc none /mnt/proc

6.  chroot /mnt    ---the prompt changes to:  sh-3.00#

7.  ybin

8.  exit       ---returns to prompt: ~#

9.  umount /mnt     --- device or resource busy

10.  reboot    ---reboots same symptoms

I am sure that I didn't mess with the yaboot configuration recently. 
When I went to Hoary I did adjust the delay times for booting into the 
kernel but that was a month ago. I was mainly playing around with 
different window manager before this problem occurred, other than 
updating daily with synaptic. I could have done something, it seems 
like I was tweeking things in windowmaker. I don't know. Could I use 
nano and edit yaboot.conf now to solve this?


On Nov 29, 2004, at 9:57 PM, Maximilian Gerlach wrote:

> Sounds like your bootloader isn't as it should be.
> Try the following: Repeat the steps until you mounted your linux
> partition to mount, then execute these commands:
>    mount -t proc none /mnt/proc
>    chroot /mnt
>    ybin
>    exit
>    umount /mnt
>    reboot
> Did that work?
> Maxi
> PS:
>>> So it is still going into open firmware, if I "reboot" at that 
>>> prompt,
>>> Ubuntu starts initially but quickly ends with "kernel panic: VFS:
>>> Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"
> (I had this error when I had a wrong /etc/yaboot.conf because I ran
> yabootconfig instead of ybin, the first time. Did you ran yabootconfig
> somewhen?)
> -- 
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