Adding Beagle, tomboy and ifolder to Hoary

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Wed Nov 24 21:52:30 UTC 2004

I second everything here.  I even belive tomboy should be installed by
default. It's to good to miss out on.

inotify will be in hoarys kernel anyway to adding beagle yourself
should be as simple as having a good beagle-apt-source (if it's not
default) and doing apt-get install beagle :)

Other things on my wishlist is gnome file diaglog and print dialog in
all major applications.  firefox, and OOo being the most obvious once.


On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 20:59:38 +0000, Olafur Arason <olafra at> wrote:
>    Beagle is at the top of my list of applications that would make
> Hoary great. But this requires a patched kernel with inotify, dbus
> with mono. Beagle will ship around the same time as Gnome 2.10 so it
> would fit in to the scedule for Hoary. And we would be the only one
> shiping it because Suse is going to ship it. There is alot of work
> going into it now. This would solve problems like user wanting to
> search documents. The only real reason not to ship it
> besides, mono is evil, is that there was a mention about requiring
> some processor power, but I we got a 600Mhz computer so if it will
> work for me it sould be enough for most users. I couldn't compile dbus
> last time I checked so I haven't tried it.
>    Tomboy is really nice and very usefull and would fit well with
> beagle. But I can relatively easilly get it and wouldn't require as
> big of a leap of faith as Beagle. The only question there is whether
> we want mono or not.
>    iFolder would be nice, but there isn't yet evolution support, but I
> think that will change and I think Novell is shipping it or will
> before the deadline.
> Olafur Arason
> P.s. shouldn't there be packages for 2 or will we not
> ship it. Then will we ship with native controls and fileselector patch
> from ooobuild.
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