merchandise & personal attacks

Stephen Ward s.ward at
Thu Nov 18 22:39:30 UTC 2004

John wrote:

> Kevin Mulligan wrote:
>> Now, specific responses to Mr. Oluwa:
> You were going pretty well until here.
> I come from a Christian culture, my wife and all three (adult) 
> daughters are practicing Christian, active in their churches.
> I thought that Christian values had much to do with compassion, 
> understanding (walk a mile in _his_ shoes) and servitude (washing feet 
> remember?).
> A lot in oommon with "Ubuntu."
> Shango feels that his cultural values are being offended against. As 
> Christians would in similar circumstances.
> Surely the onus is on Christians to show compassion an understanding 
> of his viewpoint, to stand and see the world from his shoes.
> Who are you to throw stones?

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