WARTY review

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Fri Nov 5 19:27:03 UTC 2004

On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 12:26:59AM -0600, Tommy Trussell wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 21:32:35 -0800, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at canonical.com> wrote:
> > What is missing that would win you over? :-)
> There's no big thing really MISSING from Ubuntu -- I just consider it
> to be useful for a different kind of setting than I have right now.

I'm interested because I find Ubuntu to have very nearly all of the
advantages of Debian, and several more.

> I use Debian when I need to install a stripped-down or otherwise
> highly customized system on an Intel box, especially when I'm
> installing on an ancient throwaway PC that I want to use for a file
> server or whatever. (Last I tried I couldn't install Ubuntu on my
> Pentium 200MMX system with a 2-gig boot drive, but the Ubuntu live CD
> booted just fine.)

What happened when you tried?  If you want a minimal install, you should
type "custom" at the very first boot prompt when booting the installation

 - mdz

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