Ubuntu H/W compatibility : old IBM Aptiva 200MMX

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at wanadoo.fr
Sat Dec 18 12:45:11 UTC 2004

> All in all, if you're planning on shoving a new mobo in it you can
> find a mobo that you're certain will fit. 

Yes, this is an argumnet in favour of changing the board, I can kill two
birds with one stone  : get much more power/useability, and have the
ability to chose whatever board I like so obviously, somthing that works
with Linux.

> This may not really be worth it though.

I would rather spend a month hammering an ATX board into an old Mac
beige case or old proprietary IBM Aptiva case, than resorting to using a
case I don't like. I need the case to look clean and simple and stylish
(that's subjective okay), be quiet, and use good quality materials. 
So far ther old mac cases and IBM aptiva cases are the only one that fit
this description... all modern cases look just so ugly and se crap
quality plastic, brrr !!! :-/
The best I could find was some 'Antec' cases with a large door to hide
the open bays, but some cosmetical details still put me off, and I have
yet to see one in the flesh to see the quality of the finish and the
quality of the plastic that they use.

> Why not be the envy of everyone and build your own case? Far, far, far
> more impressive :)
> -Chuck

Hey ! I never thought of that !!!  But sounds like a great idea, I will
give it some thought !! :-) 
The main problem I can foresee is that I will have to use wood, and I am
not sure it's very safe, it could catch fire at night whislt I am
sleeping ! :-O  Also, not sure if wood is very ESD friendly... :-/
But the idea sure appeals to me, thanks for suggesting Chuck !! :o)


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