Problems with Intel 536EP modem
Neil Woolford
neil at
Fri Dec 10 17:00:41 UTC 2004
At 16:38 10/12/04, you wrote:
>As far as I know I've got things setup the same in pppconfig and the
>network settings control panel, but when I execute the pon command (using
>modem lights or at the terminal) the modem will pickup, dial, start to
>connect and then either hang (the yellow light in modem lights keeps
>flashing), or disconnect.
>some questions:
>Is there a log file somewhere that I will show what is happening and why
>pon isn't working?
I'm away from my Ubuntu machine at the moment, but went through much the
same a few weeks ago.
As far as I remember;
plog is a command that extracts the appropriate entries from the system log
for you.
>>Why would the Network Settings control panel work and not pon?
I gave up on network settings in the end, concentrating on using pon via
modem lights.
I think the magic trick on my system may well have been to append ppp0 to
the pon command,
but it is a few weeks ago and I'm not at the machine...
I also suspect that network settings uses wvdial, when modem lights uses
pon, set up by pppconfig.
You can use wvdial ppp0 in the modem lights app too, but I couldn't get
full control that way.
>How do I get the driver to load on system startup without me having to
>manually modprobe it in?
If this hasn't been answered later I'll look at my system and check what I
did, I either had to put the
module in a particular place and it was auto-loaded or I had to update a
config file; again, a few weeks
and I can't remember off the top of my head. It wasn't rocket science though.
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