Definitive Mono Installation Guide for Ubuntu?

Matt Philmon mphilmon at
Fri Dec 10 16:09:46 UTC 2004

Hey all,
I'm learning every day but still pretty 'young' to the world of Linux
and certainly new to Ubuntu (about 2 weeks now) so please be gentle.
With Warty and the Universe repository I was able to get mono 1.0.1
running without any trouble which let me install some app's I had really
wanted to try out (like Blam). Ultimately I wanted to try out some of
the new things coming with Hoary and as this machine is really just for
playing around (no important function or data) I changed my repositories
and went through the upgrade to Hoary a week or 2 ago. This allowed me
to upgrade mono to 1.0.2 (if I remember right). Recently some of the
packages in Universe (Hoary) for mono went to 1.0.4 but not all of them.
I had gotten into the practice of just blindly updating (which I won't
do again) with apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade and all of a
sudden... no mono. This is, of course, because some of the minor
packages were updated but some were not (like mono-assemblies-base)
which resulted in the uninstallation of mono.
After several days of attempting to follow various guides for building
mono from source with all the bells and whistles I ultimately gave up. I
was never able to get the right combination of pre-requisites, etc. to
properly build mono. I managed to get very close a couple of times but
there were always errors I couldn't work out. I got so frustrated with
it that I manually removed all traces of mono from my system and set the
universe repositories to point back to Warty and managed to get mono
1.0.1 re-installed. I believe I'll leave it this way for the short term.
Can anyone offer up a DEFINITIVE, detailed guide for installing mono for
general use AND for development (using MonoDevelop)? I'd also sincerely
appreciate a detailed guide to building mono, customized if need be, for
the Ubuntu distro (Hoary preferred).
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