gaim-vv packages for PowerPC?

Samuel Mimram samuel.mimram at
Fri Dec 10 22:40:08 UTC 2004


[Please CC me on reply]

> I have recently found Samuel Mimram's Debian repository which provides
> gaim-vv packages for i386 architectures. As far as I'm also a PowerPC
> user I'm interested in gaim-vv packages for this kind of architecture.

Please notice that my packages are quite experimental (but not much 
negative feedback excepted one user for who the video feature is 
crashing the program). I've tried to use the linphone libs instead of 
the linphone-im fork and I don't really know how much of a hack it is ; 
I'll try to see that with gaim-vv upstream when I have some free time.

Feel free to send me some comments about my quick packages (sorry I 
don't have a powerpc which I could use to build the packages).



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