Ubuntu KDE

Henry Keultjes hbkeultjes at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 5 19:48:11 UTC 2004


I have no problem with what you are saying nor with your lack of 
understanding why I want KDE with Ubuntu because there is no need to 
convince you to become a Linux user.  You already are.

I only have a problem convincing ordinary users to use Linux and, having 
been rather successful in sales for many a decade and also having been a 
systems architect and interface designer for the software that ran my 
direct sales ergonomic chair manufacturing operations, I believe that I 
have a certain understanding of what is required to change peoples 
attitude toward Linux.  I have not seen anything that compares to KDE in 
that regard.

To be commercially successful on the desktop, Linux will need at least a 
25% market share and that's what my ideas are focused on and that's why 
I have focused on KDE and Debian which I have run in my office without 
the slightest problem for nearly three years..  Debian is wonderful but, 
like with most of the Open Source software, the last step, making the 
product commercially viable will never happen and consequently Xandros 
and Linspirre, a Xandros licensee, are making much more headway on the 
desktop than Debian itself.  Mark Shuttleworth had the concept and the 
means to put the Ubuntu team together and I would like to see him 
succeed wildly with his ideas.  However, success will only  be measured 
in millions at the enduser level and that level of success requires the 
total integration of all applications, something that only KDE has 
accomplished thus far but also something that KDE is only perhaps 5% on 
the way to accomplishing.  Why this contradiction?  WinTel is a moving 
target and catching up with that moving target requires a vision of 
where the future is heading.

Again, what do you want Vincent, more missionaries to preach to the same 
choir (an Americanism meaning that preaching to those who are already of 
like mind is more or less useless) or do we need more missionaries in 
the field who preach to the WinTel heathens?

Henry Keultjes

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

>I don't understand people who want KDE in Ubuntu. 
>The only, huge big reason why I left Mandrake for Ubuntu, is because I
>saw Ubuntu as a Heaven for me, Gnome lover. Ubuntu provides:
>1) an UNTOUCHED Gnome, in 10 seconds you can get it to look exactly like
>what you see on Gnome.org screenshots
>2) you get the latest version of Gnome
>3) you get lightweigth, neat, Gnome ONLY distro with not a bit of KDE
>'cr*p' that you don't want. It's Gnome and only Gnome, it's CLEAN,
>inside out.
>4) Since you only have Gnome, people at Ubuntu can concentrate on it
>hence improve the product better and quicker, and offer focused,
>efficient support.
>KDE is everywere, if you love it, just pick Mandrake or whatever, they
>are just mad for KDE, but please leave Ubuntu alone, don't mutilate it
>with KDE.
>If ever Ubuntu incorporates KDE, I would feel truly betrayed so to
>That said, if just to be open minded as a matter of principle, I DO
>accept that maybe some people see sense in making a KDE Ubuntu. So I
>will just live with that horrible thought. 
>If we do end up with a KDE Ubuntu, then I hope that:
>1) There will be two perfectly DISTINCT CD's. 
>2) There will not be a SINGLE KDE related byte, script, library,
>program, whatever, in the Gnome version
>3) It will not slow down developpment effort on the Gnome version
>4) It will not decrease the quality of support to people using the Gnome
>5) That Ubuntu developpers don't tend to work more or better for KDE
>than Gnome
>6) ... and other things I probably can't think of right now, but will
>post next time such a terrifying subject comes up again ! :-/
>Vince, scared to death...

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