[ubuntu-us] ubuntu-us.org website

Craig Huffstetler craig.huffstetler at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 14:24:04 GMT 2009

 Joe Terranova wrote:

> ...Whatever we do, I'd like to get the site in a
> situation where a large number of trusted people have access to work
> on the it, so that it's not dependent on one or two people (or
> remember who those one or two people are).

I agree with this. I also think we should stick with Canonical for now based
on some of the above messages unless we have a clear actionable plan to move
forward. If you need any assistance with Drupal administration, upgrades or
anything at all feel free to give me a holler.

Overall, no matter the choice, this is where I think great planning comes in
before the project even begins (I'm sorry I can't iterate that enough). It's
basically just a nice project plan (items, what's next, who's doing what,
due dates, etc.). It's good for organization. It ensures the ball never gets
dropped in the beginning or later on in a project.


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