US LoCo Teams ubuntu-us support

Joe Terranova joeterranova at
Thu Jul 19 22:23:45 BST 2007

Because someone decided we should at some point. I've never turned
people away. And after I help them, I point them to the LoCo near

Telling new users they should ask in #ubuntu is like telling them to
not use ubuntu at all. Until #ubuntu gets reorganized in a way that's
actually useful, I won't send people away.

On 7/19/07, Christer Edwards <christer.edwards at> wrote:
> I have been thinking about something lately concerning the #ubuntu-us
> channel.  We're pasting the "this is not a support channel" all over the
> walls, but why?  I see why initially, when there were two or three of us
> in there, but now we have a small army yet we're turning people away.
> recently, within the last week, some people have come in for help and we
> actually helped them (out of boredom?), and they ended up sticking
> around and getting interested in their teams.
> Why are we turning people away when they need help?  doesn't seem very
> 'ubuntu' to me anymore..
> Christer
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