US LoCo Teams Last night meeting logs
Aaron Toponce
aaron.toponce at
Thu Jul 19 18:23:15 BST 2007
Last night, those mentors who were around had a quick impromtu meeting
to meed the needs of the Houston, Texas team, and other teams in the
U.S. Attached are the logs of that meet.
Basically, what was covered was:
* the Houston team should keep its momentum as a city-based loco, rather
than trying to reestablish itself as a state-based loco. A Texas team
will just have to come together at a later point.
* agreeing that mentors is moving from a one-on-one basis to a larger
community-based support system.
* improving our online presence through the mailing list, blogs (with
the planet), forums and IRC channel.
* looking to take control of to establish another online
resource with the mentoring project.
* Zelut was announced and voted on as the official contact for the project.
Any thoughts or comments on the meeting or how we should progress as a
mentoring project?
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