UBUNTU: There must be a leader

Linda Halligan linda.halligan at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 08:56:58 GMT 2009

On Dec 10, 2009, at 11:36 PM, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:


> Do we have any connections here on the list to GSLUG or Seattle
> Linuxchix? I keep meaning to go to the Chix meetings, but it's a long
> drive in the dark......

Yes, and yes. I know two of the GSLUG organizers (not sure how many  
there are, officially) and intend to start going to meetings regularly  
starting with this Saturday's GSLUG meeting. I also have an Ubuntu  
related proposal for the January meeting.

I'm also have contact with the organizers of LinuxChix Seattle and  
will be going to the monthly meetings which start in January. (Prior  
meetings were held quarterly, the most recent one past I was in  
attendance and we decided to switch to monthly in 2010.)

There is also the Everett LUG which I have not been to, but I am  
subbed to the mailing list.


> Anyway, I'm Valorie, and I use Ubuntu with KDE on top, and am starting
> to get involved with helping out in the Amarok project. I do
> genealogy, and am also a proud and active member of PFLAG, and a mom
> and now grandmother. It might be fun to get my oldest son involved in
> this group too, since he's the one who got me using Linux in the first
> place, years ago!
> Nice to meet you all.
*waves hi to Valorie* Welcome, It's nice to see you here. :-)

-Linda (who broadcast the info about the Washington LoCo team on  

IRC althara on freenode.net
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