VoteBot in Tx channel

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at
Tue Dec 22 13:09:49 GMT 2009

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Daniel Stone
<webmaster at> wrote:
> Okay so do any of the admins of the Texas channel know this. I only hope
> that the message gets to the ones who can make any changes or incorporate
> the bots.

They read this list, so I assume so. As the team mentor I'm not here
to insist that these things are incorporated, but to let the team know
that they exist and give the team the opportunity to discuss and use

> I believe that may be part of the issue /
> If some of the general information regarding properly leading a team
> especially logistical information such as this.
> It may be very helpful if you drop a few links that explain the leadership
> role for productive teams.

There are a bunch of resources on the wiki, you may want to start with:

A leadership document was discussed at the Ubuntu Developers Summit
but is not completed, and I don't see that it will help here. In spite
of your complaints, Daniel, the leaders on the team have been working
hard to satisfy your concerns, get resources under control and get
things rolling with this team. This team went from barely existing to
having IRC populated, meetings (both real life and IRC) forums
created, an active mailing list, and a completely redone wiki page in
a month.

That's fantastic progress and should be applauded :) Well done
everyone! This is particularly impressive because it's the holiday
season and this is the time when most loco teams take a break due to
busy holiday work and family constraints.

I think what would most benefit this team right now is to stop
fighting over IRC channels and voting (other Ubuntu teams use IRC,
post logs, follow up with discussion on forums and mailing lists, and
have votes in Launchpad as needed, this can work for Texas too :)).
And for the team to move forward with planning and promoting actual
events in your areas - you don't need votes for planning events
anyway, just do them!

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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