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Ubuntu South Dakota LoCo Team ubuntu-us-sd at
Thu Dec 18 19:36:14 GMT 2008

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Yup, I just got signed up not too long ago. Would you be able to enroll
your mailing list into ours? I would do the same, but our list won't
allow that unless you do the same.

Ubuntu South Dakota LoCo Team wrote:
> I mentioned your irc meeting to our slug members yesterday. Some of
> our most active members have not heard of it. Are you signed up on the
> slug mailing list at all? Feel free to use that to let our members
> know of any linux related events.
> On 12/18/08, Ubuntu South Dakota LoCo Team
> <ubuntu-us-sd at> wrote:
>  - Short -
> I just wanted to remind everybody that we will be holding a meeting in
> #ubuntu-us-sd on According to our autojoin members,
> this may be a good turnout.
> This meeting will occur 12/18/08 at 19:00 (7:00 pm).
> I'm sorry for those of you that signed up for alerts that will not be
> receiving one. This happened because of some massive changes that will
> not be occurring in the future. Thanks for your understanding... or
> flame, I won't fight back...
>  - Long -
> As you have all probably noticed, I've been extremely preoccupied. I've
> done a complete overhaul and redesign of our site a number of times.
> I have a member of the Quebec team as well as a few Canonical employees
> to thank for one portion of the migration being complete. The other
> migration was my own undertaking which was equally exciting.
> The entire setup for our site under both 5.x and 6.x are now completely
> under version control. For those of you that haven't been around,
> there's been a few incredible modules made available to us that were
> previously only available to canonical. After getting setup on 5.x, I
> decided it would be awesome to move to 6.x. The transition has
> essentially taken place as of now, after only ... 100+ hours of working
> on it.
> What we now have, an excellent theme. Groups that control the content of
> the site. ubuntu-southdakota members will at some point have access to
> post stories/blogs about whatever. ubuntu-southdakota-editors members
> will have access to modify most of the site content.
> ubuntu-southdakota-admins members will have access to everything.
> With this massive change, there's no need to bother with anything when
> you visit the site. If you are a member of any of the groups, simply
> click the Login button and you will have an account created for you as
> well as appropriate permissions set. There will be no interaction
> required on your part.
> I'm still deciding if this is the theme I want to go with, or if I would
> prefer utilizing some parts of the Quebec teams theme.
> Opinions are always welcome.
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Michael Lustfield
Profarius, SD LoCo

Network and Systems Administrator
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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