[Ubuntu-US-PA] Philly Area Software Freedom Day

jim fisher jedijf at myfisher.org
Sun Sep 13 00:23:46 BST 2009

Reminder, this Saturday is PA Ubuntu Local Community Team Software
Freedom Day event at the Philadelphia Area Computer Society.


This year's event has taken on an even greater meaning to many people
in this area, as we have decided to dedicate this event to memorialise
the life of Matthew Rosewarne (mukidohime on irc).

Lyz's blog entry:


Matthew was a demonstrator at our Software Freedom Day event at PACS in 2007.

The people at PACS have given us the MAIN presentation room after the
Dave's presentation so that we can advocate and show off our stuff.
We will also take this time to sign up attendees for the October 3rd
Myth Installfest.

Please come out and support this event!

jim fisher

irc freenode  #ubuntu-us-pa

"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'"
  --  Jedi Master Yoda

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