[Ubuntu PA] [Project] Girls Inc date shifted to June 9th

Kevin Valentine kevin.valentine at gmail.com
Sat May 26 04:01:23 BST 2007

I have more updated information on what's happening with the Girls Inc
project.  Sorry if the plans seem a bit slippery.  It goes through about
3 or 4 other people before getting to me.  At this point I'm just trying
to keep the plan consistent.  The date for going to Girls Inc. has
changed to June 9th.  I talked with them (Greg and Terri) over the phone
for at least an hour today trying to settle everything.  The 9th seemed
like the best compromise.

Here's a rough sequence of events that I've gathered from all parties:
  1) The 10 PCs from the Philly Stock Exchange are sitting at Girls Inc.
right now.
  2) Greg has been able to get one of those PCs at the CVG (Computer
Volunteer Group) location.
  3) The CVG is going to install MS Windows XP/2000/whatever onto the
PC, plus a bunch of other software: anti-virus, anti-spyware,
anti-whatever, and I guess a bunch of education software for the kids. 
All that stuff is up to the CVG and Girls Inc.
  4) When installing/configuring is done for the MS install, Terri plans
to do an image of the PC's disk, just in case we Linux people have any
accidents ;-)
  5) At this point the PC will get Ubuntu Linux installed.  This is
still a gray area.  There area a few options here:
      a) I or we go to the CVG location to install / configure Ubuntu on
that PC
      b) The PC gets dropped off at my house or office where I can do
the install with a group of people
      c) A CVG member brings the PC to the June 2nd Ubuntu Install-Fest
at NTR for installation
  6) Both installations are well documented so they can be repeated by
  7) The PC is given back to Terri to create another disk image of the
dual boot system.
  8) That disk image gets transferred to the other 9 disks of the other
PCs (they're all the same hardware).
  9) On June 9th we meet at Girls Inc. at 10am with 10 systems fully
prepared.  If the girls show up (still not sure about that), we walk
them through an installation on 1 or 2 PCs.  If they don't show, we just
demonstrate how they function to the coordinator at Girls Inc., take a
few pictures, eat lunch, and then wrap it up.

Feel free to tear this apart.  There are items that need more
clarification.  Do we install Childsplay or Gcompris for educational
software?  Should we create custom splash screen for grub?  I still have
one I made for the NTR Linux laptop project.  We could reuse it.  We
should do this for the install-fest too.

Oh yeah, another thing Terri mentioned was that they have a batch of
Macs in the CVG basement.  She asked if the CVG volunteers could bring
those Macs to the install-fest to learn how to install Ubuntu PPC
installed on them.  I told her that we're prepared for that.  Hmm, that
could bring 3-4 more registrations.

When things get more settled, I'll create a poll in the forum to see who
will be available to help out.  Please reply with your comments / questions.


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