[Ubuntu Oregon] Ubuntu meeting.

Phil N philn at delfinomicro.com
Mon Oct 26 21:36:22 UTC 2015


Great to hear your Ubuntu meeting went well, and glad to see your having a
LoCo Ubuntu hour in your area.

Speaking from past experience (VP of Salem Macintosh Users Group, and
co-founder of Microportal - the electronics club) we've had our biggest
turnouts during November meetings, I don't know why this is.  One would
think holidays and colder weather would be hampering turnouts, however over
the past 3 years November has consistently been our biggest turnout.  It's
almost brain stumping...LOL.
Being your a new club - it may take a few Novembers - though, so be
patient... If you build it, they will come. LOL.

Two other clubs in Salem, which I'm a member of, both use meetup.  The
problem with meetup is they are $expensive$.  Meetup is free as long as you
keep your meetup members under 50, the caveat is when you go over your
allotted 50 members, they want lots mo' money.... And from what I hear, the
price can climb almost as high as a web-host would cost.  Speaking of
web-host, I really like what you've done at the LoCo events page (below
link), plus Ubuntu is not going to spam us, or sale member's data. It's
free, it's safe, its home...


Also It only took one club here in Salem, 2 months on meetup before they
exceeded 50 members, because anyone world-wide can and does join your
meetup.  So "caveat emptor", when it comes to meetup.

Just letting you know my experience w/ meetup, and putting in my two cents

Great job getting a LoCo going in Corvallis, wishing you all the very best.

Ciao for now
Phil. N

* Sent from a system running Ubuntu  *

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:

> So we had our first Corvallis meet up, it was quiet as expected being our
> first one and a last minute thing but it was a lot of fun. Even though most
> people didn't come up to us I suspect they were googling "Ubuntu" when they
> got home, they couldn't have missed our display. :-) From here on out we'll
> have a regular once a month meet up here in Corvallis, November will be
> tough because of NaNoWriMo (S0rceress0 has 50,000 words to write) but I
> suspect we'll double box and slip in an Ubuntu hour as at the same time
> we're out writing. I think I'll also follow in Jono's footsteps and use
> "Meetup" instead of Groupspaces, seems like more people use it. Anyway,
> thanks for all the encouragement, have a great week.
> On Tue, 20 Oct 2015 at 14:01 Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Phil N, glad to help out. The "Ubuntu Blitz Campaign..." is a
>> great idea especially for the LTS release.
>> I'm looking for flyers to print out to save time, we have a few Ubuntu
>> ones in mind but does anyone know where we can find up to date system76 and
>> zareason flyers?
>> On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 at 21:29 Phil N <philn at delfinomicro.com> wrote:
>>> Wow - Che's Ubuntu event is listed on Corvallis's events calendar page,
>>> and everything... WTG Che, and nicely written too.  Unfortunately some VIPs
>>> are flying in from San Jose, so I'll have to miss this Thursday's event, as
>>> I'll be out all day.
>>> Wishing you all the best, on creating a new LoCo Ubuntu community in
>>> Corvallis.  Again great! job Che.
>>> Cody Jim >
>>> I think Che has come up with a great! idea. Perhaps we should get
>>> something posted in Salem's Statesman Journal, regarding the release of
>>> Ubuntu 15.10 for next months meeting on the 6th or 20th of November.
>>> Plus I think, we should all post something in our respective local
>>> newspapers, during every Ubuntu release (biannually), to help grow the LoCo
>>> Ubuntu communities...  Sort of a Biannual Ubuntu Blitz Campaign... ;-)
>>> Just thinking out-loud here, and throwing some ideas (Che helped spark)
>>> out there to the community.
>>> ciao for now
>>> Phil. N
>>> /*************************************
>>> * Sent from a system running Ubuntu  *
>>> *************************************/
>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:38 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> We got a mention on Visit Corvallis:
>>>> http://visitcorvallis.com/event/ubuntu-15-10-corvallis-release-party/?instance_id=7949&utm_content=bufferd0eb3&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
>>>> On Sun, 11 Oct 2015 at 18:55 Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the advice guys. :-) We plan on a once a month get together
>>>>> at the Old World Deli. They have decent wifi and they never get over
>>>>> crowded, normally pretty quiet. The initial meetup for this months launch
>>>>> will be in the afternoon but we'll probably switch it to between 5pm and
>>>>> 7.30pm on a weekday after that. I'm also thinking the beginning of the
>>>>> month might be better because people tend to have money then. Old World
>>>>> Deli is within walking distance of our house so we won't have to worry
>>>>> about cycling in the dark (not a pleasant experience around here even with
>>>>> great bike lanes).
>>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 6:41 PM, "Phillip N" <philn at deltatriad.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Che,
>>>>>> I concur with what Cody said; Here in Salem we have been staying at
>>>>>> around 3 people pre meeting, with a few visitors who temporary attend to
>>>>>> get a problem or two solved.  Stay vigilant, because people will eventually
>>>>>> show up.  Some things we found that work here in Salem are:
>>>>>> * Small flyer (poster) half page, the larger ones seem to get taken
>>>>>> down more often to make room.
>>>>>> * Meet at least once pre month at the same place and time.
>>>>>> * Meet on a weekday, (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings work
>>>>>> best, because many people leave town on a Friday for the weekend, and most
>>>>>> holidays fall on a Monday, so those days near the weekend may not be as
>>>>>> good a turnout.)  However you may find in your area, that people may be
>>>>>> willing leave their own town to travel to yours on the weekend ;-)
>>>>>> Just a few ideas though - great work on LoCo evens page.
>>>>>> Ciao for now
>>>>>> Phil. N
>>>>>> /***********************************
>>>>>> *  Sent from my Commodore 64  *
>>>>>> ***********************************/
>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 4:02 PM, Cody Smith <cody.smith at ubuntu.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Che, the Salem Ubuntu Hour has been staying steady at about 3 people
>>>>>>> per meeting, peaked at 4-5, there's a core group (Me, Phil and jvlb) and
>>>>>>> occasionally we get others, and there's someone else who occasionally
>>>>>>> visits that Phill will remember the name where I don't. it used to be just
>>>>>>> me and jvlb, it's started picking up more people over the past year and a
>>>>>>> half (albeit slowly). So my point is don't be discouraged if it's not many
>>>>>>> people at first and it picks up slowly, it'll happen, and your doing what
>>>>>>> you can to get Ubuntu more well known!
>>>>>>> --c_smith
>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Weekends would suit us better also, this initial meeting was only
>>>>>>>> to coincide with the release day. Krita is a great idea, I wil be sure to
>>>>>>>> include it.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 at 23:00 Scarlett Clark <
>>>>>>>> scarlett.gately.clark at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Please consider Krita https://krita.org/
>>>>>>>>> It is our (KDE) sparkling gem. Is is in archive so any *ubuntu
>>>>>>>>> flavor can install it.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Scarlett
>>>>>>>>> Also FWIW I think a weekend meeting of sorts would be awesome, I
>>>>>>>>> don't mind a bit of travel but weekdays are hard.
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> It will be fun. We'll bring the System76 Darter running Ubuntu
>>>>>>>>>> 14.04.03 LTS, it's a couple of years old but it's still high end, i7, 16GB
>>>>>>>>>> RAM, 500GB SSD, touch screen and also an ASUS 1011PX 2 GB RAM Netbook to
>>>>>>>>>> show off how well Ubuntu Mate runs on older hardware. I'll install
>>>>>>>>>> Darktable and RawTherapee to show the photography potential on the System76
>>>>>>>>>> (it's big around here) as well as other favourites, any other software you
>>>>>>>>>> can think of feel free to let us know, we want to show off the best FOSS
>>>>>>>>>> has to offer. :-)
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 at 21:30 Walter Lapchynski <wxl at ubuntu.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Well, we all have to start somewhere. The best thing you can do
>>>>>>>>>>> is encourage everyone you can find to come. Like, whether or not they care
>>>>>>>>>>> about computers, Linux, or Ubuntu! Perhaps plan on tackling a particular
>>>>>>>>>>> problem that could be applicable to lots of folks, like dealing with common
>>>>>>>>>>> filetypes (.doc, .pdf, etc.) in Ubuntu.
>>>>>>>>>>> I have to make sure all our flyers are fixed up so you can have
>>>>>>>>>>> some of them to show off. Still don't have our website yet, though, and
>>>>>>>>>>> that would be so much better than using the wiki or the LoCo page as a URL,
>>>>>>>>>>> bah. Our old URL expires on the 23rd, so maybe I can get that and redirect
>>>>>>>>>>> to the LoCo page while I wait for Canonical to get their act together.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 9:17 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> More than likely it will end up as it normally does, just me
>>>>>>>>>>>> and Linda but who knows. We'll have fun either way. :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 at 21:14 Walter Lapchynski <wxl at ubuntu.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can't wait to hear the story/see pictures on how this went.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks to Che for his hard work and for having the forethought to get it on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the [LoCo event pages][1]!!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/3231-ubuntu-1510-corvallis-release-party/
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Phillip N <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> philn at deltatriad.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This week I've got family from out of town over, so can't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make it this Saturday (15.10).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wishing you all the best, and happy "compiling" over at Old
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World Deli.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ciao for now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phil. N
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /***********************************
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  Sent from my Commodore 64  *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***********************************/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 9:53 PM, Che Dean <dean.che at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll arrange a future monthly meet up at a later time, maybe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5pm to 7:30pm or something like that and at the beginning of each month.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This was just a last minute throw together to try and get something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> started. :-)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 7 Oct 2015 at 21:17 Cody Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cody.smith9202 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sadly, when that starts I'll just be getting off work. but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enjoy it nonetheless! if there happens to be a meetup on a weekend in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> future, I might be able to make it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --c_smith
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 4:38 PM, Che Dean <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dean.che at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope you're all enjoying the very pleasant autumn/fall
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we're having. I'm putting together a meet up page on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> groupspaces.com for the Corvallis/Benton county area.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S0rceress0 and myself are planning the first get together at the Old World
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deli here in Corvallis for the release of Ubuntu 15.10. It's a good venue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with plenty of space, seating, wifi and great food at a low price. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> originally looked at using meetup but I'm not paying $9.99 a month until we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a few people coming to regular meet ups. You can find the page here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for those interested:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://groupspaces.com/UbuntuCorvallisMeetUp/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 2 Oct 2015 at 14:37 Cody Smith <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cody.smith9202 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Again, I'll definitely be there. Got the bus system down
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to where I can make it home with at least an hour to spare. (or 2 in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> today's case). I'll have a couple of neat things to show off (one of them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a project I started yesterday)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --c_smith
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Phillip N <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> philn at deltatriad.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This Friday (today), is time to get-out and about while
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the weather is still good.  By attending this evenings Ubuntu hour.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Festivities will begin at 6:00pm to 7:00pm located
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> downstairs at Broadway Coffeehouse, 1300 Broadway St NE #100, Salem, OR.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JVLB - sends his regards, as he won't be able to attend.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And asks that we try to maintain a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> festive spirit, without him.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim's absence will be missed, we hope to see him during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our next meeting, coming up on Friday, October, 16th. Same place, same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu time, same Ubuntu channel.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Have a great! weekend all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Phil. N
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /***********************************
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *  Sent from my Commodore 64  *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ***********************************/
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>>>>>>>>>>>>> @wxl | http://polka.bike
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer
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>>>>>>>>>>> @wxl | http://polka.bike
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>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
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