[Ubuntu Oregon] SeaGL October 23-24

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 9 03:45:02 UTC 2015

I had an utterly fantastic time running the Ubuntu booth with many
KDE/Kubuntu people at Linux Fest Northwest earlier in the year. We were
adjacent to the Greater Seattle Linux User Group (GSLUG) booth which was
also advertising the Seattle GNU/Linux (SeaGL) conference coming up October
23rd and 24th. They emphatically encouraged us to host a free booth at the
conference. Unfortunately, I'm not available those days. If anyone else is
up to it, I'd be happy to help organize funding for travel & lodging
through Canonical, as well as getting one of those fantastic promo packs
sent out (save me a t-shirt, though!). I know I'm really running late on
this, so forgive me for the terrible timing. Needless to say, letting me
know ASAP would be great. Note it doesn't have to be just one of you,

@wxl | http://polka.bike
Lubuntu Release Manager & Head of QA
Ubuntu PPC Point of Contact
Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team Leader
Ubuntu Membership Board & LoCo Council Member
Eugene Unix & GNU/Linux User Group Co-Organizer
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