[Ubuntu Oregon] FW: LoCo, Canonical recognition, meetings, recruitment, et al ...

Patrick Olson compman42 at linuxusers.us
Tue Sep 9 18:56:07 UTC 2014

On Tue, September 9, 2014 11:13 am, Pat wrote:

> I suggest we let technology come to the rescue.

I second this!

> If the venue were changed to some location with high enough bandwidth to
> handle at least 10 - 15 open and standards compliant VoIP connections (NOT

OSU has an Open Source Lab ("The Open Source Lab is an organization
working for the advancement of open source technologies."
http://osuosl.org/) which I imagine would have plenty of bandwidth (they
host or mirror some well-known open software, and I've never seen a
download from there be slow), but I have no idea if they have a meeting
space we could use or if the location (I assume it's in Corvallis) would
be a problem (assuming we need at least one person who can be there in

> Skype -- and video would be nice!) and the time were moved to 7:00 pm,
> those of us who spent our 8 years of college decades ago and now work long
> hours could have time to get home from work, eat supper and log in to
> attend.

This sounds good, with one additional comment: If practical, it seems like
a good idea to have some kind of conference where folks could call in if
they don't have enough bandwidth for video conference. One concern is if
it would be practical to tie it all together (phone conference, video
conference and people who are there in person).

> I suspect you would find that more people would attend if physical
> locality were not an issue.  You might be able to recruit more members.
> Those in Bend or Harney County wouldn't have to leave their living rooms.


> This is the 21st Century after all -- and I think Canonical would see the
> use of technology as a feather in your cap rather than a mark against you.

Since the name Ubuntu Oregon would seem to imply that it's for the whole
state, it seems like the most practical way for all that might be
interested (members, possible future members) to meet on a regular basis.
Unless there is some disadvantage or technical problem (cost?), this might
be a chance for the team to come up with something that helps Ubuntu
locos, LUGs and others.

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