[Ubuntu Oregon] your help needed!

Pat paddy.hayes at comcast.net
Tue Sep 9 17:58:27 UTC 2014

Just sent an email from work since I'm away from home.  If you see an email from pat.hayes at milliman.com, that's me.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: James Bradley <jim at oregoncanoesport.com> </div><div>Date:09/09/2014  10:46 AM  (GMT-08:00) </div><div>To: Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team <ubuntu-us-or at lists.ubuntu.com> </div><div>Subject: Re: [Ubuntu Oregon] your help needed! </div><div>
</div>For what it is worth, I did most of the LoCo's artwork, including the
logo, a brochure, fliers for release parties and Salem and Portland
Ubuntu Hours. The stuff is all somewhere on Launchpad, though Ben would
have to give you the links.

If you need any of the stuff updated or modified, I can probably oblige.


On 09/09/2014 10:28 AM, Patrick Olson wrote:
> On Tue, September 9, 2014 8:31 am, ∅ wrote:
>>> Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2014 17:27:14 -0700
>>> From: "Patrick Olson" <compman42 at linuxusers.us>
>>> Could one of the Internet's various free hosts be used until the team is
>>> verified, or is something more needed?
>> Well, I figure the wiki page is ok for now. There's not much to put on
>> the website anyways (yet) :)
> I hate to admit this, but I didn't remember the wiki. Searching for
> "Ubuntu Oregon" on Google found a loco team portal page which looks good
> except the link to www.ubuntu-oregon.org gave me a DNS error. I guess
> that's the website they're not hosting until the team is (re)verified.
> Back to the wiki, I notice it says the IRC meeting is May 13.
> The Google search I mentioned also found a Twitter account (last tweet
> April 28, 2013), Facebook page and LinkedIn profile (last post Feb. 16,
> 2012). So between the wiki, loco portal and 3 social media, this team has
> at least 5 URLs. The point being, a website is yet another URL and
> updating the existing ones might be more benefit.
> The URL that I think would be the easiest to give people verbally (for
> example you meet someone who seems interested in learning more) is
> probably facebook.com/ubuntuoregon as it's simpler than the other URLs.
> The page itself looks good, but under "about" it links to the non-working
> .org I mentioned a few paragraphs ago, rather than the wiki or the loco
> page.
> One note is that, although I've been reading the mailing list for a while,
> the most I've done is reply to an email now and then, so don't worry about
> my comments too much as compared to others who've contributed far more. I
> just hope something I've written is helpful. :)
>>> Nothing that I know of, but then I'm kind out in the middle of nowhere
>>> (the nearest town is Turner).
>>> I doubt you need a contact person for "middle of nowhere" but I always
>>> welcome emails if there's anything I can do from my home office.
>> That's not quite as middle of nowhere as other places in Oregon. Do
>> you ever make it to the Salem meetings?
> Oh I guess I got spoiled when I lived across the street from a grocery
> store and within walking distance of the job I had back then. :) No I
> haven't made it to any of the Salem meetings... don't have the patience
> for city traffic! Anyway, with any luck I'll be moving in the next few
> months. Maybe I'll end up near an Ubuntu Hour and/or a LUG.
>>> Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2014 19:17:22 -0700
>>> From: Cody Smith <cody.smith9202 at gmail.com>
>>> anyone is welcome to stop by Broadway Commons on the first and third
>>> Fridays of each month if you're near there. Address is 1300 Broadway.
>> What time?
> The last I heard, it was 6pm, per
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-or/2014-July/000875.html

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