[Ubuntu Oregon] FW: LoCo, Canonical recognition, meetings, recruitment, et al ...

Pat paddy.hayes at comcast.net
Tue Sep 9 18:13:05 UTC 2014

In case this does not make it through moderation fro my work email...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Pat Hayes <pat.hayes at milliman.com> </div><div>Date:09/09/2014  11:00 AM  (GMT-08:00) </div><div>To: paddy.hayes at comcast.net </div><div>Subject: FW: LoCo, Canonical recognition, meetings, recruitment, et al ... </div><div>
From: Pat Hayes 
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 10:39 AM
To: 'ubuntu-us-or at lists.ubuntu.com'
Subject: LoCo, Canonical recognition, meetings, recruitment, et al ...
Hi, folks.
I've never been able to attend an actual meeting because as a working stiff in Portland I simply cannot get down to Salem in time for the meetings.
I suggest we let technology come to the rescue.
Currently, the meeting schedule and venue are best suited to college students and/or residents of the Salem area.  The Portland metro area accounts for half the population of Oregon -- and many of us simply cannot make it to Salem by 6:00
I am NOT saying the venue should be moved to Portland.  That is completely unnecessary.  I AM saying that technology provides an answer to the problem of physical location.  C'mon folks -- I'm an old, grey fart and even I don't think 20th Century.
If the venue were changed to some location with high enough bandwidth to handle at least 10 - 15 open and standards compliant VoIP connections (NOT Skype -- and video would be nice!) and the time were moved to 7:00 pm, those of us who spent our 8 years of college decades ago and now work long hours could have time to get home from work, eat supper and log in to attend.
I suspect you would find that more people would attend if physical locality were not an issue.  You might be able to recruit more members.  Those in Bend or Harney County wouldn't have to leave their living rooms.  This is the 21st Century after all -- and I think Canonical would see the use of technology as a feather in your cap rather than a mark against you.
I don't have to be present in all time zones around the world to moderate on the Ubuntu Forums -- technology allows me to be there to help someone in India if we are both awake at the same time.
For what it's worth.
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