<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body ><div>Just sent an email from work since I'm away from home. If you see an email from pat.hayes@milliman.com, that's me.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div style="font-size:9px">Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S®4.</div><br><br><div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: James Bradley <jim@oregoncanoesport.com> </div><div>Date:09/09/2014 10:46 AM (GMT-08:00) </div><div>To: Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Team <ubuntu-us-or@lists.ubuntu.com> </div><div>Subject: Re: [Ubuntu Oregon] your help needed! </div><div><br></div>For what it is worth, I did most of the LoCo's artwork, including the<br>logo, a brochure, fliers for release parties and Salem and Portland<br>Ubuntu Hours. The stuff is all somewhere on Launchpad, though Ben would<br>have to give you the links.<br><br>If you need any of the stuff updated or modified, I can probably oblige.<br><br>JVLB<br><br><br>On 09/09/2014 10:28 AM, Patrick Olson wrote:<br>> On Tue, September 9, 2014 8:31 am, ∅ wrote:<br>>>> Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2014 17:27:14 -0700<br>>>> From: "Patrick Olson" <compman42@linuxusers.us><br>>>> Could one of the Internet's various free hosts be used until the team is<br>>>> verified, or is something more needed?<br>>> Well, I figure the wiki page is ok for now. There's not much to put on<br>>> the website anyways (yet) :)<br>> I hate to admit this, but I didn't remember the wiki. Searching for<br>> "Ubuntu Oregon" on Google found a loco team portal page which looks good<br>> except the link to www.ubuntu-oregon.org gave me a DNS error. I guess<br>> that's the website they're not hosting until the team is (re)verified.<br>><br>> Back to the wiki, I notice it says the IRC meeting is May 13.<br>><br>> The Google search I mentioned also found a Twitter account (last tweet<br>> April 28, 2013), Facebook page and LinkedIn profile (last post Feb. 16,<br>> 2012). So between the wiki, loco portal and 3 social media, this team has<br>> at least 5 URLs. The point being, a website is yet another URL and<br>> updating the existing ones might be more benefit.<br>><br>> The URL that I think would be the easiest to give people verbally (for<br>> example you meet someone who seems interested in learning more) is<br>> probably facebook.com/ubuntuoregon as it's simpler than the other URLs.<br>> The page itself looks good, but under "about" it links to the non-working<br>> .org I mentioned a few paragraphs ago, rather than the wiki or the loco<br>> page.<br>><br>> One note is that, although I've been reading the mailing list for a while,<br>> the most I've done is reply to an email now and then, so don't worry about<br>> my comments too much as compared to others who've contributed far more. I<br>> just hope something I've written is helpful. :)<br>><br>>>> Nothing that I know of, but then I'm kind out in the middle of nowhere<br>>>> (the nearest town is Turner).<br>>>> I doubt you need a contact person for "middle of nowhere" but I always<br>>>> welcome emails if there's anything I can do from my home office.<br>>> That's not quite as middle of nowhere as other places in Oregon. Do<br>>> you ever make it to the Salem meetings?<br>> Oh I guess I got spoiled when I lived across the street from a grocery<br>> store and within walking distance of the job I had back then. :) No I<br>> haven't made it to any of the Salem meetings... don't have the patience<br>> for city traffic! Anyway, with any luck I'll be moving in the next few<br>> months. Maybe I'll end up near an Ubuntu Hour and/or a LUG.<br>><br>>>> Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2014 19:17:22 -0700<br>>>> From: Cody Smith <cody.smith9202@gmail.com><br>>>> anyone is welcome to stop by Broadway Commons on the first and third<br>>>> Fridays of each month if you're near there. Address is 1300 Broadway.<br>>> What time?<br>> The last I heard, it was 6pm, per<br>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-or/2014-July/000875.html<br>><br>><br>><br><br><br>-- <br>Ubuntu-us-or mailing list<br>Ubuntu-us-or@lists.ubuntu.com<br>Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-or<br></body>