Update: Global Jam

Cody Smith cody.smith9202 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 21:19:41 UTC 2012

On 02/20/2012 07:54 PM, Benjamin Kerensa wrote:
> I was informed that we are now fully approved to use the space at 
> FreeGeek for our Global Jam so I will be reaching out to our contact 
> their to see what time we can start arriving but it is schedule to be 
> all-day.
> https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/render?eid=bTVhNGdocWVoZ2hjYWpiaWtrbzhsZWt1aTggdjEyYTYzOG4wdGxiYWx1NDIzaGFkdms2bWNAZw&ctz=America/Los_Angeles&pli=1&gsessionid=LEBFWad3jx3AIAoufBtUSQ&sf=true&output=xml 
> <https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/render?eid=bTVhNGdocWVoZ2hjYWpiaWtrbzhsZWt1aTggdjEyYTYzOG4wdGxiYWx1NDIzaGFkdms2bWNAZw&ctz=America/Los_Angeles&pli=1&gsessionid=LEBFWad3jx3AIAoufBtUSQ&sf=true&output=xml>
> -- 
> Benjamin Kerensa                          "I am what I am because
> Team Lead, Ubuntu Oregon                  of who we all are." - Ubuntu
> bkerensa at ubuntu.com
> http://ubuntu-oregon.org
So, being as some of us have over an hours worth of driving, would it be 
acceptable to come when we can and leave when we have to? that question 
is being because of the fact that it is an all day event.

--Cody Smith
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