[ubuntu-us-nm] 8.04 upgrade stories

Leif Gregory ldgregory69 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 18:24:50 BST 2008

So my upgrade went pretty smooth. Had a few things requiring fixing.

1. Pysol-FC stopped working. Had to re-install python-imaging-tk. Must
have gotten uninstalled during the upgrade.

2. Frostwire stopped working, conflict between Java alternatives or
something. Had to run "sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun"
which fixed it.

3. DigiKam got uninstalled somehow. apt-get fixed it and I ended up
with the latest version, so that was nice. also didn't lose any of my
config stuff.

4. Still got a weird problem with Xplanet where every once in a while
my desktop wallpaper reverts to default Ubuntu. Xplanet is running an
update to the desktop every few minutes so it reverts back to Xplanet
again. Gonna have to dig through the Nautilus settings. I vaguely
remember a similar issue way back when.

5. Ended up with icons out the wazoo on my top panel mainly because I
had manually added some things, and in the upgrade they were added by
default. Can't decide if I like Tracker or Beagle though. Got both up
there till I decide.

6. I like the weather and locations addition to the date/time in the
panel. My oldest daughter lives in Japan, so it's nice and easy to see
what time it is there now.

7. Synergy was semi-broke with unacceptable lag on the clients. Seems
to have to do with the FAIR_GROUP_SCHEDULER. Since I don't know enough
about it yet, I'm just invoking Synergy with gksudo as a workaround.


8. Lost my transparent menu bars under Compiz. I think I need to switch
over to Emerald again to get them back. Just haven't gotten around to
it yet.

I haven't made it through all my apps yet, but other than those
listed, I haven't run into any other problems. Gotta learn how to use
the Policy Kit. 

Leif Gregory
Power Wagon Registry:  http://powerwagonregistry.org
Truck Hacks:                http://trucks.PCWize.com
Geocaching:                    http://gps.PCWize.com
PHP Tutorials and snippets:    http://www.DevTek.org

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