[ubuntu-us-nm] Anyone here a Claws Mail guru?

Leif Gregory ldgregory69 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 19:17:40 BST 2008

If not, I'll join a Claws Mail list.

I'm looking to automate the extraction of an attached ZIP file from a
message by saving the .ZIP into a temp directory, then call a script to
extract the files and import into a GPS related program.

The latter part is easy, but for the life of me, I can't find a way in
Claws to automatically save a .ZIP file based on a filter or pre/post
processing. If I can solve that, then writing the script to extract the
files and import in the GPS I can do easily enough and have that
script called via Claws based on a filter when the message comes in.

The message with the attached .ZIP comes in twice a week from

Any ideas? Thanks.

Leif Gregory
Power Wagon Registry:  http://powerwagonregistry.org
Truck Hacks:                http://trucks.PCWize.com
Geocaching:                    http://gps.PCWize.com
PHP Tutorials and snippets:    http://www.DevTek.org

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