[ubuntu-us-mn] Annomalous disk nearly full again / Gnome config lost

Fred H Olson fholson at cohousing.org
Wed Oct 12 14:26:53 UTC 2011

I previously posted:

[ubuntu-us-mn] Annomalous disk nearly full report
Fred H Olson fholson at cohousing.org
Sun Dec 12 04:20:46 GMT 2010

It happened again yesterday tho this time it at one point reported
zero bytes available.  After deleting some old kernels and rebooting
a couple times df reports the more expected values:
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb2              7689384   4559348   2739432  63% /

Since it happens so seldom therefore making it not very replicatable
I just live with it.

But this time after the problem went away I find that some configuration
information has been lost.

So far I've noticed (and remember seeing) :
Gnome terminal profile missing
Nautilus config back to defaults (?) from
 List View
 Never preview files
However my Nautilus scripts are still available

Since I so far at least have only seen these Gnome config related
problems, it seems likely that it might be Gnome config file or
directory that has gotten corrupted.

I examined a couple Gnome related directories (copied below)
but do not know how to interpret the results.  Any suggestions?

ls -al ~/.gnome2
total 52
drwx------ 11 fholson fholson 4096 2011-10-11 17:42 .
drwxr-xr-x 42 fholson fholson 4096 2011-10-12 08:13 ..
drwx------  2 fholson fholson 4096 2011-10-10 08:19 accels
-rw-r--r--  1 fholson fholson   85 2010-11-10 21:28 backgrounds.xml
drwxr-x---  2 fholson fholson 4096 2011-05-13 04:24 eog
drwx------  2 fholson fholson 4096 2010-11-03 15:48 evince
drwx------  2 fholson fholson 4096 2010-11-16 11:51 file-roller
drwxr-xr-x  2 fholson fholson 4096 2011-09-03 16:29 gedit
drwx------  2 fholson fholson 4096 2011-01-04 10:31 gnome-dictionary
drwx------  2 fholson fholson 4096 2010-11-03 15:18 keyrings
drwxr-xr-x  2 fholson fholson 4096 2010-12-13 13:02 nautilus-scripts
drwx------  3 fholson fholson 4096 2010-10-31 09:43 panel2.d
-rw-r--r--  1 fholson fholson   34 2011-09-10 22:12 yelp

ls -al ~/.gnome2_private/
drwx------  2 fholson fholson 4096 2010-10-31 09:43 .
drwxr-xr-x 42 fholson fholson 4096 2011-10-12 08:13 ..


Fred H. Olson  Minneapolis,MN 55411  USA        (near north Mpls)
     Email:        fholson at cohousing.org      612-588-9532
My Link Pg: http://fholson.cohousing.org         My org:
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