[ubuntu-us-mn] Loaded Ubuntu and Samba and cannot see Samba domain

Glancy, Tom (DNR) Tom.Glancy at state.mn.us
Sat Jan 9 04:53:41 GMT 2010

You do not need to run DCHP, DNS or WINS on your Ubuntu server. And you don't need a windows domain. 

See folder sharing instructions here:

I follow the steps in "Sharing folders via Nautilus" and sharing just works. You may not or may not be able to browse for shares, but you should be able to connect using the Ubuntu IP address. (If you are fiddling with smb.conf, your Samba workgroup should match your windows workgroup)


From: ubuntu-us-mn-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [ubuntu-us-mn-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Brian D [bkd1958 at yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 9:29 PM
To: ubuntu-us-mn at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: [ubuntu-us-mn] Loaded Ubuntu and Samba and cannot see Samba domain

I loaded Ubuntu 9.1 and Samba but I am unable to see my server.
I understand that the smb.conf file is a big part of this. But my main question is if I need the Ubuntu server to be running DHCP or DNS or WINS?
My config is as follows:
I have a firewall on the perimeter of my I/N. That device is a DHCP router.  It is
My Windows PC's are on and
The Ubuntu server IP has been set to static
My workgroup = HOME in the smb.conf file.
Is there anything special that I must do in the Windows XP machine other than browse for the server?
I tried joining the domain named HOME from Windows and I get a message saying "a domain controller for the domain home could not be contacted". There is more to the message also.
Could my firewall be the culprit? I do not see anything in the log files.

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