[ubuntu-us-ma] Wednesday Evenings

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 04:38:45 BST 2009

Hey Mike,

One reason people might throw the party is because you get a free
license of Vista Unl... I mean Windows 7 Unlimited. So you get a free
license of some very expensive software which is in effect a guilded

Even if it was the best software since the sliced bread gif animation.
It's not Free Software, you never get to own it, you don't get choices
or control over your own computer. And for that alone it's worth

Best Regards, Martin Owens

On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 21:44 -0400, Drascus wrote:
> I don't think we have to worry no one is going to throw a window's 7
> party unless you work for microsoft. Just watch the ad for having a
> launch party: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cX4t5-YpHQ This is pretty
> much the lamest thing I have ever seen. Microsoft has given people every
> reason to never have a launch party. It's hard to have much of a party
> after everyone has spent like $200.00 for substandard software. not to
> mention you will all be broke after that. But after spending all the
> hours getting it set up only for it to run slow as molasses will pretty
> much suck any life out of a party. youtube actually had to disable the
> comments on this post I am guessing because of all the flamming and
> laughing. 
> Mike C. 

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