question from ed

Ralph deGennaro rmdegennaro-sort at
Wed Jan 7 20:32:37 GMT 2009


I have a very mixed environment of Windows machines, Mac's and Linux
machines at work and home.  I've gotten SAMBA to work on all of them for
both sharing-out (serving) files as well as finding and accessing (client)
files on other computers.

One set of things that I've started to do that are reliable steps is to:

   1. manually install samba (sudo apt-get install samba)
   2. use a standard smb.conf
(here<>is the
one I start with)
   3. modify appropriate section in the smb.conf & save
   4. restart the computer

The link, btw, is to my own company's website.  We're going through changes
in direction, projects, etc.  But I will put up redirection links when the
time comes.

One thing that I've not had much success though is with shares that require
authentication through Nautilus.  And now I should apologize if I'm getting
too obvious.  Nautilus is the default "file manager" in Ubuntu.  It servers
the same function as Windows Explorer.  Most new Windows machines (Vista)
will have some type of permissions built-in now; also I'm in a shared
network workspace so add permissions.  Nautilus does not seem to list these
shares (so if all have permissions setup, none will show in Places ->

I mostly use KDE (another desktop environment, which uses Dolphin instead of
Nautlius).  KDE allows you to specify the username/password.  All the people
I know using Gnome/Nautilus don't worry about sharing or I ask their help.
:-)  So I have never bothered to track down a solution for Nautilus in

Maybe someone else on the mailing list can help out in this regard.  I know
that's my problem, and may be related to Ed's as well.


p.s.  I had shared out my HP 6P printer for anyone in my shared workspace.
Recently updates with Windows XP and Vista seem to have disabled thier
printing.  It seems to be because the workgroup of my Ubuntu server and
everyone else's machines are different.  Not sure that tidbit will help, but
its "keep in the back of your head" type info.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 8:05 AM, jimi o'beirne <jimobeirne at> wrote:

>  I use Samba on my Ubuntu system to share to Windows and can easily access
> my Windows dirs from Places/Network.
> Have also installed my Canon MP830 all in one and my HP laser Jet 4 Plus
> from my windows box onto my Ubuntu and can printer from both. (With the HPLJ
> I had to do some digging but found the trick was to use the "HP LaserJet 4
> Plus Foomatic/ljet4" driver)
> Jim O'Beirne
> On Tue, 2009-01-06 at 09:10 -0500, Martin Owens wrote:
> There are some very standard ways to access windows network shares from
> Ubuntu.
> What methods have you tried? I've re-posted this to our mailing list for
> greater audience.
> Best Regards, Martin Owens
> On Mon, 2009-01-05 at 23:28 -0500, ED LU wrote:
> > Hi Martin,
> >
> > Happy New Year!
> >
> > I am writing to see if there is a way to restore or rescue my previous
> > home network after the XP admin computer was converted to
> > ubuntu... :(... i know it was totally my stupidity...
> >
> > what happened was i saved all the files from the admin computer to the
> > home network but now i can't access from my other windows computer
> > which is on the network...
> >
> > Now my question is: did i do anything damaging... how could i resolve
> > this. how to reestablish the old home network with the ubuntu
> > computer?
> >
> > I am so sorry to bother you again...
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Ed
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