[ubuntu-us-in] Another Reason to love Open Source

Simón Ruiz simon.a.ruiz at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 18:23:51 GMT 2008


Copy protection schemes that get in the way of legitimate use of
software by the licensees is probably the single most offensive
problem with proprietary software, especially for free software

All software is going to have SOME bugs and annoying quirks that get
in your way.

People used to the proprietary software model complain when free
software doesn't do what they expect it to and forgive proprietary
software for being intentionally difficult to use because it gets
their specific job done. On the other hand, people used to the free
software model complain when proprietary software does not function by
design and forgive free software for sometimes not being completely
baked before its released.

In my humble opinion ;-)


On Jan 18, 2008 5:13 AM, Keith Karnafel <keith at karnafel.com> wrote:
> Who knows what's up with M$ but this past week my step-daughter had to call
> them twice because Genuine pain [sic] decided that she was running a pirated
> version of Vista. This will make five of six time since last fall when I
> purchased the computer for her and the grand kids that we had to call M$ to
> re-cert the computer. Oddly enough, the grand children prefer Ubuntu. Even
> the two year old knows how to reboot the computer into Ubuntu, and start up
> his favorite game, Childsplay. He also knows how to get to get to Nickjr on
> his own and play the games there. I'm afraid that kids going to be cracking
> code soon.
> - Keith.
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