How do I get ownership of my mailboxes.

Eric Weir eeweir at
Fri May 2 17:42:01 BST 2008

On 5/1/2008 Paul Boren wrote:

>  Also here's some information on using xffstab in Thunar:
>  I think I follow what you have in mind for your back-up folder, Eric.
>  Basically it would be like another user folder in the /home directory
>  on that second hard drive.  That partition would automount when you
>  log-in and you would just have to archive all your files and copy them
>  over to the back up folder periodically.  That sounds manageable.

Thanks, Paul. I'll give my idea a try. And thanks for the references, 
too, especially the one above. Actually, the file manager refered to is 
xfce filemanager, which looks really interesting -- much more versatile 
than thunar, which is basic, and great as far as it goes.

The only problem is that xffm doesn't seem to be available as a separate 
application. It seems come bundled into the xfce distribution as a 
whole, and appears not to be a part of the xfce desktop, which is all 
that xubuntu uses.

I'm checking in to it, though. Hopefully, it is availabe as a separate 

Again, thanks.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA
eeweir at

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