Clarkston project

Eric Weir eeweir at
Thu May 1 16:58:16 BST 2008

On 4/30/2008 Aunty Proton wrote:

>  Actually this sounds like it would be a perfect case for a Free Geek
>  style project, if they need machines as well.  I've been hoping
>  someone would start a Free Geek group in Atlanta.

Thanks, Aunty. They have a roomfull of old Dells with Windows on them at 
the Clarkston Community Center, but I'm sure that there is a need for 
more in the community. As you may be aware, there is a large refugee 
population in Clarkston.
the project I'm working with is working with the entire low-income 
community in Clarkston, not just refugees. However, refugees have a 
special need: while the net can be an inexpensive way to maintain 
contact with family and friends in their countries of origin, many lack 
the skills, and many cannot afford to buy a computer. The same could be 
said about the native born low-income community.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA
eeweir at

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