[DC LoCo] 10.04 upgrade questions

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Mon Mar 29 00:50:40 BST 2010

On Sunday 28 March 2010 6:13:53 pm cmhowe at patriot.net wrote:
> Ubuntu List,
> (1) I don't expect to succeed, but I am trying tp persuade a 10th grader
> in my church (and her mother) to get Ubuntu installed on her laptop in
> addition to Windows, version unknown. What can I tell her about the
> requirements?

I usually go with 10GB for disk so that there's plenty of room for expansion 
as things are installed.  256MB is enough RAM though 512 will make it a bit 
nicer.  The other main requirement to tell her would be: an open mind & 
readiness to try something new.

> (2) I have two computers, the one I call the Shuttle and the one I call
> Black. I expect to bring the Shuttle only to the installfest, mainly
> because I can handle it physically, but not Black. Does that make sense? I
> am still having problems I don't think I should have. I know. I bring up
> the rear, but things don't work that should work, vi being the prime
> example.

Is vim installed? Cuz I think Ubuntu recently switched to installing only 
nano, not vim-tiny (hasn't included vim-full in ages).

> (3) On Tuesday, 6 April, I get a large part of my life back: I get
> cataract surgery. I will feel like I can go out at night. That leads to
> the q1uestion, would I learn anything by sitting in on bug jams. It would
> be in a fly-on-the-wall capacity. And would the group prefer I not do so,
> based on I would be taking up space and would ask a few questions?

If you'd like help out with reproducing bugs, you are certainly welcome to!  
You can participate either online on IRC or in person if you've got a laptop 

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo

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