[CoLoCo] TIE update (panera meeting outcomes)

Richard Guenther richskyline at gmail.com
Sat May 31 03:08:00 BST 2008

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Jim Hutchinson <jim at ubuntu-rocks.org>

> I would very much like to get a lesson/tutorial up there for Kig. This is a
> very promising program and similar to a propritary app called Geometers
> Sketchpad. I think Kig still needs a bit of work to realy rival GS but there
> are a lot of cool things that can be done with it. Some high schools will
> purchase GS but there are few elementary schools that will. Kig would be
> perfect for them. If anyone can put together a little tutorial with Kig that
> would be great.....

Oops.  I believe I volunteered for this at one time.... :-).  I've just been
playing around with KIG for the last half hour refreshing my memory.  I
think I'll get a mouse out (touchpads and KIG don't work well together)
tomorrow and work some more on this.  Jim, could you give me a little more
on the format of this tutorial--what you envision the length to be, does it
include pictures, etc.  I'll try my best at this, but may need a little help
on the wiki.  Gonna have to go look up my launchpad info, also.

On the bright side, I am a math teacher, and it IS summer.  :-)

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