[CoLoCo] TIE update (panera meeting outcomes)

Richard Guenther richskyline at gmail.com
Sat May 31 20:11:55 BST 2008

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 10:17 AM, Jim Hutchinson <jim at ubuntu-rocks.org>

> I would very much like to get a lesson/tutorial up there for Kig. This is a
> very promising program and similar to a propritary app called Geometers
> Sketchpad. I think Kig still needs a bit of work to realy rival GS but there
> are a lot of cool things that can be done with it.

Okay, Jim, I read your blog entry on Kig and have had some time to play
around with it.  Unfortunately, the main KIG website is down right now, so I
haven't been able to see any of the documentation :-(

You appear to have found a big weakness in KIG, however, in that you can't
simply calculate the sum of, say, two angles.  In GS you just click them and
tell it to add them and display the result.  Using a python script will not
win over your typical teacher, sadly.

See what you think of this GS tutorial:


What I like about it is that it just has you do a few of the classic
constructions.  I could write up something like that and take some png
screen shots, if that would work.  I'd also include basic vectors, as Kig's
vector system is really intuitive.  So would a tutorial that starts with
some basic constructions like an equilateral triangle, a 30-60-90 triangle,
etc--and then a few of Kigs more advanced features--would that work?
Elementary teachers would probably care most about the simple constructions,
while others may appreciate the vectors part.  I could do a screenshot every
step or so, or just one or two for each subtopic.

Let me know what you think and I'll try to get the Kig help files to solve
the problem of simply adding two angles....

I definitely do NOT want to write standard lesson plans, as I think they're
outdated and dull.  I'd rather write something like "Quickstart with Kig",
aimed at those that have either used GS or would like to learn the basics of
Kig, including helpful hints like using "z" to repeat a construction, how to
hide objects, etc....

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